Sponsors of UBF

We are seeking sponsors for the UBF. If you are interested in being front and center at this major community event, email umpquabrewfest@gmail.com  
Our Title Sponsor is:       

Addcox Heating Center
Hamm Dentistry 




Umpqua Watersheds
With breweries from all over Oregon and over 2,000 people in attendance, the last Umpqua Brew Fest was once again a HUGE success. The event offers a strategic advertising opportunity to put your business in front of an enthusiastic regional audience. 
“It’s All About the Water!” 
Once a year in October, right here in Roseburg, our community celebrates our watershed and craft beer culture at our own water, barley, and hop heaven, the Umpqua Brew Fest. As a non-profit organization committed to conservation, Umpqua Watersheds depends on partnerships with the local community, the citizens and businesses of Douglas County. 

 Annual Brew Fest Sponsors

We Couldn't Do It Without Them!
“It Takes A Village To Raise A Brew!”
Your support as a sponsor helps to cover the costs of hosting the festival, including equipment, glasses for tasting, security, entertainment, publicity, printing, and supplies.

If you have any questions, or for more information about sponsor opportunities, please contact us: umpquabrewfest@gmail.com 
